Michelle Chappron – Makeup Artist!
Hey ladies (and gents)! A new and fabulous makeup artist has hit the Seattle Scene and is ready to make the world a more beautiful place. Her name is Michelle Chappron & HERE
is a link to her website.
Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of getting to know Michelle and can see that she is hard working, dedicated, creative, honest and SO much fun to be around. She is the perfect addition to your wedding day – coming to the location on the big day (huge plus), doing a run through in the weeks prior to your wedding – everything she does just makes your wedding experience better. Plus makeup always looks better when its done by a professional!
This past summer I was lucky enough to photograph her in action, here are a few shots from the day:

Don’t forget to check out her newly designed site: http://www.michellechappron.com/
Michelle Chappron – Makeup Artist!
Hey ladies (and gents)! A new and fabulous makeup artist has hit the Seattle Scene and is ready to make the world a more beautiful place. Her name is Michelle Chappron & HERE is a link to her website.
Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of getting to know Michelle and can see that she is hard working, dedicated, creative, honest and SO much fun to be around. She is the perfect addition to your wedding day – coming to the location on the big day (huge plus), doing a run through in the weeks prior to your wedding – everything she does just makes your wedding experience better. Plus makeup always looks better when its done by a professional!
This past summer I was lucky enough to photograph her in action, here are a few shots from the day:
Don’t forget to check out her newly designed site: http://www.michellechappron.com/
Barbie Hull Photography
Serving Seattle & Worldwide
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