LilaFrances Custom Hanger Giveaway!
Calling all Brides!!! (and everyone else too!) If you LOOOOOVE Lila Frances
here is your chance to win one of her designs!! And if you yet to meet Lila Frances
is your chance!!! Check out her awesome hanger designs (see photos below, or her WEBSITE) – then TWEET, FACEBOOK, BLOG – shout it from the rooftops and let us know what you’ve done (by commenting on our blog
)… then on FRIDAY June 25th at 5pm we will choose one of you lucky folks at random and YOU WILL BE THE WINNER!!!
for all of the details!!
We are so excited to announce our first giveaway of 2010: a personalized lingerie or dress hanger from the original LilaFrances
!! Lovely, handmade, and unique, these are keepsakes to treasure. We’re thrilled to welcome LilaFrances to GHGH,
and she told us, “ 10% of my profits are all donated to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, so I’m all on board for anything that helps eradicate cancer, or helps its victims live their lives to the fullest. I truly appreciate your allowing me to be a part of your wonderful plan.
We thank youfor being so generous and committed to an important cause!

So, how do you win? It’s so easy. Just Tweet, post on Facebook, or blog about Get Hitched, Give Hope
! Leave a comment on the GHGH BLOG
letting us know what you did, with a link. We’ll randomly choose a winner from all of the comments. Deadline: 5pm on Friday, June 25
Good luck!!
LilaFrances Custom Hanger Giveaway!
Calling all Brides!!! (and everyone else too!) If you LOOOOOVE Lila Frances here is your chance to win one of her designs!! And if you yet to meet Lila Frances – HERE is your chance!!! Check out her awesome hanger designs (see photos below, or her WEBSITE) – then TWEET, FACEBOOK, BLOG – shout it from the rooftops and let us know what you’ve done (by commenting on our blog )… then on FRIDAY June 25th at 5pm we will choose one of you lucky folks at random and YOU WILL BE THE WINNER!!!
See HERE for all of the details!!
We are so excited to announce our first giveaway of 2010: a personalized lingerie or dress hanger from the original LilaFrances !! Lovely, handmade, and unique, these are keepsakes to treasure. We’re thrilled to welcome LilaFrances to GHGH, and she told us, “ 10% of my profits are all donated to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, so I’m all on board for anything that helps eradicate cancer, or helps its victims live their lives to the fullest. I truly appreciate your allowing me to be a part of your wonderful plan. ”
We thank youfor being so generous and committed to an important cause!
So, how do you win? It’s so easy. Just Tweet, post on Facebook, or blog about Get Hitched, Give Hope ! Leave a comment on the GHGH BLOG letting us know what you did, with a link. We’ll randomly choose a winner from all of the comments. Deadline: 5pm on Friday, June 25 .
Good luck!!
{blog re-posted with permission from Get Hitched Give Hope}
Barbie Hull Photography
Serving Seattle & Worldwide
All images are © Seattle Wedding Photographer Barbie Hull Photography and MUST have written permission to use any images in print or in web. Thank You! | ProPhoto7 Blog