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Law School Graduate!

LAW SCHOOL !!!  I graduated!  ;0)  oookay – not really, we didn’t have a ceremony or anything…. but we should’ve!  hahaha after a FULL day of learning the law, reasons we do what we do – why we should file things certain ways – specific wording in contracts being important…. I think we should’ve thrown a party!   Katy Carrier – this girl really knows her business and my favorite part is that she is entertaining!!  The day really flew by & we left with over 25 pages of notes and super cute office tools! (Thank you Katy!)  I think every business owner should take this class from her —– aaaaand the people from WPPI … if you are listening, you should invite her to teach a class!!

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  • Cassandre Snyder December 23, 2011 - 6:27 pm

    I have to agree with you! It was a great class and I am so happy i attended! I recommend this seminar to anyone in the industry, so much valuable info! Reply Cancel

  • Sarah Addison February 11, 2012 - 6:48 pm

    I’m going to take this class for my new business- glad to see your review! Reply Cancel

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