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Morgan’s Blog Post :: Best Friends!

This post is a fun one for me!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! ;0)

One of my very first memories (real vivid memories) is in Craig Alaska.  Vera (sister) & I were hanging out on the front porch counting our collection of shells, starfish & whatever else we might have found on the beach that day when down the hill walks a girl, about my age (5) – she had stick skinny little legs & arms, long curly brown hair and had her finger in her nose (this turned out to be a regular thing for her! HA!). This girl was Morgan Dawn Sipe – she was silly & fun and she was never afraid to tell you the truth in any situation.  For the last 25 years and hopefully the next 25 more – my best friend.

I still remember our first day of Kindergarten where we met Angela, and right away Morgan and I decided that she too would be our best friend!!  (our wolf pack became 3, HA!)  We did awesome things like make up new names for our favorite colors, (pinkadinka!) dressed the same on the reg, created rad dance routines, (at the youth center!)  watched movies over and over until we could repeat them word for word (drop dead fred! sorry Vera, we still think we’re cool!) & made the un-fortunate decision to shave the back of our heads oh wait.. don’t forget the billions of hours talking about boys. Good times.

Sixth & Seventh grade was a tough one for us…. Angela moved to Thornebay,  Morgan moved to Wasilla,  & my family moved to Ketchikan & Napavine.  We of course stayed in touch as pen pals – but it wasn’t the same.  THANKFULLY we all re-united in Ketchikan and graduated High School together.

Its been a long amazing journey we’ve been through a lot (A LOT) and we’ve added MANY new best friends to our circle, (you know who you are!) my favorite part is that no matter how long we’ve been apart – we pick right back up where we left off.

Happy Birthday Morgan – to my very first & very best friend!!  You are an amazing person & I’m so lucky to have been able to grow up with you!

Here are some photos of Morgan back then …

And here are a few photos of Morgan from just this past weekend!! ;0) Still the silly same camera loving girl!!


Have a fun birthday party this weekend Morgan!!!

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  • Thrina May 18, 2011 - 6:35 pm

    We are watching 0000 Morgan 10da2000n0ce00 ov0er and over 🙂 Thanks!\ Happy Birthday! Reply Cancel

  • Heather Driscoll May 18, 2011 - 6:41 pm

    The robot is GENIUS!!!!! What a pretty lady that Morgan is!!!! Reply Cancel

  • Vera Thibodeau May 19, 2011 - 1:17 am

    Wonderful pics. Morgan, you are beautiful! Miss you girls! Reply Cancel

  • Morgan May 19, 2011 - 8:20 am

    How you are such a wonderful friend!! Tear!! Love you Arabrab!! Reply Cancel

  • Grandma Noonie Sipe May 20, 2011 - 5:44 pm

    I’m so proud of you, Barbie…..Good Work showing my beautiful Morgan Reply Cancel

  • Amy June 27, 2011 - 11:58 am

    Morgie…Such a beautiful woman, and thanks for the tears Bob!!! Love you two more than words!! XOXO Reply Cancel

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